Friday, August 5, 2011

We Are… in Springfield

So at this point, anyone reading this knows that in June, Joshua and I moved to Springfield, Missouri.  In April, Joshua accepted a call to be Minister of Music at National Heights Baptist Church in Springfield, and we immediately began preparing for the 500+ mile move.  We were really excited about where God was leading us, but at the same time, it was a tough situation!  I moved to Jackson, Mississippi for college and I never left – so I had been there for ALL of my adult life.  So there were many, many tears for several weeks after we made the decision to move.  Some tears were reasonable.  Some...not so much.

Tears make sense when you’re saying goodbye to certain people...

Tears are just plain silly when you’re driving by places like... Kroger in Pearl.

Yeah, I did that. I can promise you I didn't cry because I knew i'd miss their fabulous selection of fresh veggies. Ahem.

Also not fun to say goodbye to your house. Especially when it’s a pink house. With parquet flooring.  And dark pink azaleas.  And a perfectly shaped magnolia.  Oh, I love the smell of magnolia blooms. 

And this sweetheart will be staying with Joshua's parents until we sell the house and can move somewhere with a backyard. 
Sweet Lucy, how we miss you!
BUT – we were excited about the move to Springfield and National Heights.  We have been so blessed by this new church family.  They have taken such good care of us!  From the welcome/housewarming party, to the Springfield Cardinals tickets, homegrown veggies, and the constant lunch and dinner invitations, we have been just blown away by the generosity of these people and the constant out-pouring of God’s love through them. 
Oh, and we were even given the opportunity to rent a duplex owned by a church member.  We did downsize a bit from our 3 bedroom home to a 2 bedroom duplex, but we’re so very thankful that this home was available for us here!  And it’s so nice! We LOVE having a two car garage, a large open kitchen, huge master bath, and ENORMOUS walk-in closet. And our guest room has a large enough closet, that it is now known as The Sewing Room. LOVE!
Here is a pic of the new place:
And we can see the church from the backside of the house

 – which is great for Joshua.  It was incredibly convenient our very first Sunday here too.  As we were getting ready for church that morning, a transformer blew on our street.  Uh, bummer.  No electricity =  no hairdryer or curling iron for me.  (On the bright side, I got to shower by candlelight… on a Sunday morning. J )  Also, we had no idea how to get the garage door to open without electricity.  Thankfully, we had one vehicle in the driveway.  So Joshua left the car for me to drive when I was ready, and he just walked to church. 
Well, that’s all for now!  More updates and stories coming soon.

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